When the Sky Burned by Liz Tolsma


 This series by Barbour Publishing has been so informative and interesting.

I really enjoy books by this author and she does a great job telling stories. I particularly enjoyed how the story is told from the point of view of a variety of characters.

I only heard of the Chicago fire and not the fire in Wisconsin. Interestingly enough they both happened on the same day but the loss of life in Wisconsin was so much worse.

There were some parts that were predictable in the story but I still enjoyed reading and was interested in hearing the why's behind the different plotlines.

Thanks to netgalley and Barbour Publishing for the arc. The opinions are my own.

What's it about?

Promising painter Mariah Randolph longs to have her canvases displayed in the world’s best museums, and Hollis Stanford, the heir of a railroad tycoon, is her ticket to success. The railroad’s bookkeeper, Jay Franklin, discovers discrepancies and is convinced that Hollis is stealing from the company. But any proof of his dirty dealings go up in smoke when fire utterly destroys the town of Peshtigo, Wisconsin, October 8, 1871.
The fire leaves Mariah blind, but Jay befriends her and even helps her to start painting again. But a trip to Chicago to return Hollis’s daughter to him could put both Mariah and Jay in more danger than even the fire that devastated the town and their lives.


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