The Angel of Vienna by Kate Hewitt
I really enjoy reading books by this author. She has a way of writing that takes her readers right along with her in the story. This story was no different as we travel to World War II and the atrocities that are committed at the hands of the Germans. This story centers around a difficult subject--the "outcasts" of society according to Hitler. These young children are housed at this hospital for "treatments". Young nurse Hannah is sent by her half-brother who is a high level person in the army. She is sent to safeguard her nephew who has some different abilities. Even though, it is such a difficult subject, the author steers away from going in depth to the torture and awfulness that takes place and instead focuses on the people who go out of their ways to make a difference in the lives of these kids. Thanks so much to netgalley and the publisher for the arc. The opinions are my own.